Route Planning: To get directions click a marker on the map.
 | Robert Gordon's College - Main School The main Schoolhill campus is situated on Schoolhill in the heart of the city centre of Aberdeen. Lat: 57.14937, Long: -2.10273 |
 | Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV) ASV is an external facility used for some home Netball fixtures. Lat: 57.16250, Long: -2.09340 |
 | Athletics Field Area Throwing and jumping area used for athletics. 2x Long/Triple Jump pits, 2x throwing circles and an outdoor High Jump/Javeln area. Lat: 57.12960, Long: -2.16819 |
 | Athletics Track - 400m During the summer term Pitch 1 becomes our 400m grass running track. Lat: 57.12908, Long: -2.16540 |
 | Banks O' Dee Sport Centre Banks O' Dee is an external facility used for some home Basketball fixtures. Lat: 57.12888, Long: -2.09644 |
 | Beach Leisure Centre The Beach Leisure Centre is an external facility used for some home Netball fixtures. Lat: 57.15592, Long: -2.08012 |
 | Compass Project Sports Hall The Compass Project Sports Hall is an external sports hall facility located near to Countesswells. Primarily used for basketball, netball and indoor hockey. Lat: 57.12625, Long: -2.18139 |
 | Countesswells Grandstand Spectator seating area for Pitch 1. This also includes a small indoor space with fully fitted indoor cricket nets. Lat: 57.12943, Long: -2.16487 |
 | Countesswells Pavilion The pavilion at Countesswells houses changing facilities, a dining area and a small meeting space. Lat: 57.12841, Long: -2.16442 |
 | Countesswells Sports Fields Countesswells is the home of all outdoor Sport at Robert Gordon's College. It is situated away from the main Schoolhill site, in the West End of the city. Lat: 57.12979, Long: -2.16379 |
 | Cricket Pavilion - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12750, Long: -2.16116 |
 | Cricket Square; Grass - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12795, Long: -2.16012 |
 | Cricket Square; Pylon Artificial - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12911, Long: -2.16286 |
 | First Aid The First Aid room at Countesswells is located within the pavilion. Lat: 57.12824, Long: -2.16494 |
 | Football Pitch 1 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12746, Long: -2.16005 |
 | Football Pitch 2 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12781, Long: -2.15867 |
 | RGU:SPORT RGU:SPORT is an external facility used for some home Netball fixtures. Lat: 57.11870, Long: -2.13747 |
 | Robert Gordon's College - Car Park Schoolhill Limited car parking is available on site for visitors in front of the Auld Hoose. Lat: 57.14848, Long: -2.10210 |
 | Rugby Pitch 1 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12925, Long: -2.16568 |
 | Rugby Pitch 2 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12901, Long: -2.16703 |
 | Rugby Pitch 3 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12900, Long: -2.16857 |
 | Rugby Pitch 4 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12642, Long: -2.16399 |
 | Rugby Pitch 5 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12612, Long: -2.16486 |
 | Rugby Pitch 6 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12896, Long: -2.16237 |
 | Rugby Pitch 7 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12845, Long: -2.16039 |
 | Rugby Pitch 8 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12842, Long: -2.16776 |
 | Rugby Pitch 9 - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12942, Long: -2.16317 |
 | Rugby Training Area - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12822, Long: -2.16684 |
 | Sand Dressed Hockey Pitch - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12690, Long: -2.16528 |
 | Tennis Courts - Countesswells During the summer term our Sand Dressed Hockey Pitch becomes 12 Tennis Courts. Lat: 57.12702, Long: -2.16490 |
 | Water Based Hockey Pitch - Countesswells
Lat: 57.12759, Long: -2.16593 |
 | Westburn Tennis Centre Westburn Tennis Centre is an external facility used for some Tennis fixtures. Lat: 57.15528, Long: -2.12316 |